Events in St Laurence Priory

This page shows some of the events that take place regularly within the Priory.

Click on any of the tabs below to select a category and view more information.

Children's Events

Children are the future of the church and we do everything that we can to make the Priory as welcoming as possible for our younger visitors.

There are two schools in Snaith, and we maintain close ties with each, and always try to include things for children in any of our events.

Our new heritage displays contain sections specifically for children, and we have introduced literature specifically aimed at children, as well as challenges.

We also have events specifically aimed at children. The image on the left comes from a day where the children were taught about pressing apples, and were encouraged to take part in an active manner.

We have had a "sleepout" in the Priory with the local Guides to identify problems encountered by homepless people.

The Parish of Great Snaith is committed to high standards in the safeguarding and care of children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our safeguarding officer for Snaith is Eleanor Robertshaw (01405 860866). Our parish Safeguarding policy can be read by contacting Eleanor, reading the copies lodged in the church or by visiting our 'Church Near You' site.



Community Events

The Priory stands in the centre of the town of Snaith and has dominated the skyline for over 900 years. It is seen, rightly, by local people not as just a church, but as the centre of community life in the town.

Major events in the town use the Priory as the logical place, and we have hosted many diverse events, and always encourage more.

Examples of things that take place in the Priory are:

  • Mayor's Civic Service
  • Snaith & Cowick Heritage Day
  • Regular Concerts
  • Theatre Productions
  • Gin and Beer Festivals
  • Seasonal Markets
  • Summer & Winter Fayres

We are always willing to look at new options for how the building might be used. Please contact Eleanor for further details.

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School Events

The Priory is a natural auditorium and presents the perfect forum for school events such as Prize-giving, Awards Ceremonies and concerts.

We have two schools in Snaith, and both make use of the Priory on a regular basis.

The Priory can seat over 500 people which amkes it easy for parents to attend, and the central location provides easy access, and also allows children to come from the schools without the need for special transport arrangements.




The Priory is open to visitors as follows:

Monday:         10:00am to 3:00pm
Wednesday:   10:00am to 3:00pm
Saturday:       10:00am to 3:00pm

If you are travelling a long way, please contact the Rector beforehand to make sure that there are no funerals etc taking place at the time of your planned visit.

Guided tours are available are available when the Priory is open - please ask one of our guides. Otherwise, please feel free to wander around at your own convenience, but please be careful and take note of any warning notices.

You are welcome to take photographs and there is no charge - we would love to see what you take, however, especially if you allow us to share the images on here!

You will find a variety of literature around the Priory, and we have a new guidebook available for purchase. Any donations received will be put towards the ongoing costs of keeping this magnificent building available for future generations.